Site blog
授課老師姓名:陳建良 | 課程名稱:從經濟看世界 |
課程助理姓名:陳書婷 | 協助教學時間: 10/2 2:40~3:00 pm |
報告內容 | |
學生出席態度: 10 1-10 分 ( 不良 - 良好 ) 學生上課態度: 10 1-10 分 學生對課程內容理解情形: 9 1-10 分 學生與授課教師互動狀況: 8 1-10 分 學生作業完成狀況: 8 1-10 分 | |
工作內容 | 1. 協助學生們完成討論單。 2. 解答學生們對上課內容的疑問。 |
學生學習狀況 | 普遍良好,有少數同學上課睡覺,以致於在寫討論單時跟不上進度。 |
課後輔導狀況 | 同學們很踴躍參與討論,並對於我講解不清楚的地方敢勇於發問。 |
目前整體成效 | 目前來講整理效果不錯,同學們討論時很專心,並且對不懂的地方能勇於發問。 |
遭遇困境 | 1. 我沒辦法用很精確的字眼把名詞解釋完整。 2. 對於舉實例方面,無法舉出好的例子,所以我應該要好好準備。 |
建議事項 | 請老師把定義講得更清楚一點,例如:同學們對於這節課所講的邊際效益與邊際成本的概念沒辦法馬上吸收,這方面可以建議老師多講些例子。 |
其他 |
終於發現了這裡,之前本來就有意要創個部落格,不過一直懶懶的才拖到現在,這裡以後都會放些心情,日記,隨筆,嘴砲,心得,重點,想法,總之就是看心情決定,沒有ㄧ定 今天想PO的文是史導時放的影片大略心得,以便我以後方便寫報告
這是在回述日治時期的老歌,老東西,帶人了解老歌的演進, 人跟物品雖都已老去,但是仍能ㄧ窺那繁華青春,懷念的曲調帶我回到了那遙遠的過去,那曾經遺忘的過去,但那隆隆的砲聲卻驚醒了我,悲哀阿,那純純的情歌怎會與這不搭調的戰爭有牽扯呢?
我在 10月1 日 把這個 bug 反應到 Moodle Tracker
10月8日 回信如下, 且在 Moodle 1.6.3 fixed
[ ]
Petr Škoda resolved MDL-6757.
Fix Version/s: 1.6.3
Resolution: Fixed
fixed in 1.6.2+ and 17dev.
We are not using mb functions directly, because it would break lots of sites that do not have it installed
Thanks for the report and proposed patch!
> Insert a Chinese charachter string to label resource result error.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: MDL-6757
> URL:
> Project: Moodle
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: Resource
> Affects Versions: 1.6.2
> Environment: Windows 2003 Server CHT version, php 5.X, MySQL 5.X
> Reporter: Chien Wen-Chang
> Assigned To: Petr Škoda
> Priority: Critical
> Fix For: 1.6.3, 1.7
> Insert a Chinese charachter string to label resource result error.
> For example. Insert a label, Content as [標籤範例]: 同學請注意! 本週停課一天, 補課時間另外公告本課程網頁.
> Error report as follow:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Data too long for column \'name\' at row 1
> INSERT INTO mdl_label ( COURSE, NAME, CONTENT, TIMEMODIFIED ) VALUES ( 1, \'[標籤範例]: 同學請注意! 本週停課一央..\', \'[標籤範例]: 同學請注意! 本週停課一天, 補課時間另外公告本課程網頁. \', 1159673300 )
> Could not add a new instance of label
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This bug is in /moodle/mod/label/lib.php line 16:
> $label->name = substr($label->name, 0, LABEL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH).\"...\";
> Suggest correct source as follow:
> mb_internal_encoding(\"UTF-8\");
> $label->name = mb_substr($label->name, 0, LABEL_MAX_NAME_LENGTH).\"...\";
Moodle 1.6.3
10th October, 2006
Full details of these issues can be found in the tracker
Security Bugfix
- A vulnerability was discovered that could allow SQL injections if a parameter was improperly used. Full details of this particular issue are on the Moodle Security site. All registered Moodle admins were notified by direct email on Saturday September 30th.
General Bugs Fixed
- [ MDL-3048 ] - Release note should note not to use some PHP versions
- [ MDL-3805 ] - mod.html in is not XHTML1.0 Transitional compliant
- [ MDL-5378 ] - shorten_text doesn\'t work for oriental languages
- [ MDL-5601 ] - cloze question restore error problem
- [ MDL-5884 ] - Turn Student View On
- [ MDL-5893 ] - Blackboard export/backup course does not restore to Moodle correctly
- [ MDL-6084 ] - Restore to new course failure notice if logged in as course creator
- [ MDL-6128 ] - 1.6, special chars and messaging system.
- [ MDL-6193 ] - problem with login/index.php file
- [ MDL-6205 ] - slashes not stripped when re-editing profile
- [ MDL-6224 ] - Syntax error creating tables on install
- [ MDL-6247 ] - Error checking for missing themes
- [ MDL-6271 ] - breadcrumb problem
- [ MDL-6272 ] - DB Enrolment not recording enrolment end date
- [ MDL-6334 ] - Unnecessary group menu in Feedback popup window
- [ MDL-6336 ] - After utf8-migration unserializing of old essay fails
- [ MDL-6341 ] - \"Student view\" locks out designers/administrators from courses not available to students
- [ MDL-6342 ] - cannot move forum post to other forum when the subject includes an apostrophe
- [ MDL-6363 ] - typo in mod/forum/restorelib.php prevents grouped discussions from being accessible to group after a restore.
- [ MDL-6375 ] - Uploaded assignments are not available from the student submission page once graded
- [ MDL-6480 ] - Import of multichoice questions in Moodle XML format doesn\'t use shuffle option. Fix included
- [ MDL-6517 ] - Adding or editing post produces \"ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: \"Object id #XXX\"
- [ MDL-6518 ] - How to make new themes link no longer required
- [ MDL-6521 ] - Single discussion forums can be splitted and it hasn\'t too much sense....
- [ MDL-6537 ] - past students receive email from forum
- [ MDL-6538 ] - Bug in hotpot upgrade script 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2 with MetaColumns() method
- [ MDL-6615 ] - Highlighting search terms in forum search text posts fails
- [ MDL-6632 ] - scorm_grade_user function in locallib.php file has errors
- [ MDL-6649 ] - HTML Editor in Quiz Essay Question unreliable
- [ MDL-6686 ] - Streamed Chat Locks Send Message Field
- [ MDL-6750 ] - change_password.php produces JS error.
- [ MDL-6754 ] - moodle.php in de_utf8 langpack has wrong locale
- [ MDL-6757 ] - Insert a Chinese charachter string to label resource result error.
- [ MDL-6770 ] - Student cannot see handed-in assignment
- [ MDL-6791 ] - Streamed Chat JS bug Prevents Use
- [ MDL-6824 ] - redundant style declaration in theme
- [ MDL-6837 ] - Make a language file entry for the wording of popup blocker checker
- [ MDL-6841 ] - Student View button fails when course is hidden to students
- [ MDL-6842 ] - Resource frameset error in IE6
- [ MDL-6866 ] - A required parameter (backup_unique_code) was missing\" error
- [ MDL-6876 ] - Grades computed incorrectly if assignment name appears more than twice in a course
- [ MDL-6280 ] - Backup files should not be included in new backups
- [ MDL-6572 ] - Allow students to access their uploaded documents after grading.
- [ MDL-6662 ] - why footer with margin-top: 100px
- [ MDL-6878 ] - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) files in Moodle are not correctly displayed in many Browsers
New Feature
- [ MDL-5653 ] - add blacklisted level into environment XML
全球一百大學排名哈佛最優 亞洲北大第一 2005/1005
根據英國泰晤士報所屬新聞集團出版的高等教育排行榜,全球 100大優良大學以美國哈佛大學稱霸,亞洲排名最高的是中國的北京大學,全球排名第14。在這份榜單中,美國和英國的大學就佔了一半。
這份排行榜是由英國TLS教育公司的The Times Higher Education Supplement(THES),問券調查全球3703名學者根據他們各自的學術領域選出全球最優30所大學,以及736名大學職員,以及各校系師生比,吸引外國學生就讀的能力,以及學術表現等項目評比。THES與泰晤士報同屬國際新聞集團。
有這麼嚴重嗎?調查:大學生每4人有1人想過自殺... 2006/10/05 <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" />
何謂機會成本 (Opportunity Costs) ?
機會成本是一個 選擇/取捨 的觀念,一個 消費者/生產者
保留價格 (Reservation Prices)
消費者對於 財貨/勞務 心中會有一個主觀評價,即消費者為
了獲得該 財貨/勞務 最高願意支付的代價。當保留價格大於
邊際 (Marginal)
當增加一單位 消費/產出 使得 消費者效用/生產成本 增
加的部份,稱為 邊際效用 (Marginal Utility) / 邊際成本
(Marginal Cost)。
因為在製作 NCNU Moodle 線上教學教材, 發現使用 [標籤] 時, 經常會
發生錯誤, 寫入資料庫失敗.
花了二個小時, 終於找到 Moodle 原始程式的錯誤, 程式碼已更正 OK,
有空再 Post